Whistleblower system

The German Whistleblower Protection Act came into force on July 2, 2023 (Section 41 on June 3, 2023) and transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (Whistleblower Directive) into national law. The Whistleblower Protection Act protects whistleblowers and prescribes uniform standards for whistleblowing and the protection of whistleblowers.


At db bauer packaging, this policy is implemented by setting up a corresponding whistleblower system. Employees and third parties can report violations of the law or of db bauer packaging’s Code of Conduct.


In order for your report to be processed and investigated appropriately by our whistleblower protection officers, it is important that you formulate your suspicious activity report as specifically as possible.


It is helpful if you consider the following five W-questions in your report:


Who? – Who is it about? Who is affected?

What happened? – What has happened? Describe the facts of the case.

When was it? – When was the incident?

How? – How often did it happen?

Where? – Where did the incident take place?


Please contact our whistleblower protection officers directly if you have any information or reports:

Jelena Lippert
+49 (0)7941-9174-45

Andreas Hettinger
+49 (0)7941-9174-33


By post:


Druckerei Bauer GmbH
Otto-Rettenmaier-Straße 5/6
74629 Pfedelbach


Every report is treated in strict confidence. We investigate all reports and do not condone any discrimination against persons who report information to us.